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Tone Time

We are about 5 months away from our wedding day! This means it’s time to tone my body!! I don’t want to lose weight, I just want to tone everything. So with it coming so fast, I have started to do small work outs Tuesdays, Thursdays, and once during the weekend. In high school I was very active with basketball so I never really had to worry about being active, but now that I am almost a college graduate and that I am getting married I want to make sure that I stay active and healthy. The work outs that I do are what I have found on Pinterest. They have so many ways to stay active! Also, I have started to take vitamins every morning which as also helped me stay awake throughout the day! I have been drinking smoothies for breakfast and also some days I will add protein to them too. The protein doesn’t mess with my blood sugars at all! I will post a picture of the kind that I have been using if you’re interested. Like I said, I’m not trying to lose weight I just want to start being ac
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Taking Care of Your Skin

Hello everyone! So I know it's been awhile since I have blogged, but working, taking 21 credit hours for school, graduating, and planning our wedding has been CRAZY! Since we are SIX (yes, only SIX) months away, it is very important to make sure that I am taking care of myself not only with my type one diabetes, but also my skin and body. With it being only six months away I have been stressing out a lot more. I have more acne just because of stress with everything going on. Plus I want to make sure that my skin looks good enough on our wedding day too. I am going to show you all of the AMAZING products that I use to make sure my skin looks good now and on our big day. The first product that I am going to talk about is, Apricot Scrub. This scrub is the best! I use this when I am showering in the morning and it has that cooling feeling for when you rinse it off. I have been using this scrub for about two weeks now and my face has been clearing up faster. You can get this sc

Wedding Coordinator or Not?

Hello everyone! So my last blog post got OVER 700 views!! Thank you sooooo much for reading, sharing, or liking! I can't believe it got that many views! So for this post PLEASE read, share, and like! This shows me that you guys enjoy what I am reading, and I hope that you do! :) So I wanted to talk about if a diabetic bride should have a wedding planner or not. Since I LOVE planning events I don't need help with planning for really anything! Plus I have Jake, my family, and friends to help me with some of it. For the day of the wedding, we have decided to have one. Since that day is going to be very busy with not only with me getting married but with my diabetes I know that I don't want to have to worry about anything going wrong plus me worrying about my blood sugar. I know that with a wedding coordinator, she will make sure that the wedding is going well so then I can worry about my diabetes during the day. The wedding coordinator will keep things in line so that not o

Pumps and Wedding Dresses

Hello everyone!! So I thought that it would be cool to talk about ideas on wearing an insulin pump while wearing your wedding dress. While looking for my wedding dress, I thought about many things. Where should I put my pump? Where should I put my Dexcom? Should I wear a ball gown to hide it better or could I wear a mermaid style dress with it? I am sure those thoughts go through every diabetic bride's mind, but that shouldn't take away from what you actually want to wear. As I was trying on dresses, I did leave my pump on just so that I can get an idea of what I could do with it. Some people use a wrap around their leg and then hook their pump on that, some people may even go pumpless for the day just so that they don't have to worry about it, but what I have decided to do is put my pump in my chest area. I thought that this will be easier to pull out when I needed to take insulin. So for every dress that I tried on I put my pump in my chest area. You can't even see

The Diabetic Bride-To-Be

Hello everyone! It's been so long since I have blogged about anything but I thought that I would start it back up! For those who don't know, this past January I got engaged to my high school sweetheart! We are so excited to start this new journey together! It has been so much fun planning our wedding from picking out a venue to wedding dress shopping to picking out decorations. As you can tell being a bride can be very busy and stressful, but for me being a diabetic bride can be a little harder than just your ordinary bride. While planning everything, I have to make sure to take care of my diabetes and I wanted to share with all of you who could be diabetic brides or just want to know how I handle my diabetes while I am busy. I will try to post about once or twice a week to keep you all updated! Now that it is officially a year away, I thought I would go ahead and start this blog! I am so excited to share all of this with you and I hope you enjoy my diabetic bride-to-be life!!